Marco Caputi
Co-Founder & Partner
Marco Caputi gained his expertise working for leading audit and accounting firms and consulting companies, first in the audit department of Arthur Andersen SpA and later in the Transaction Support department of Ernst&Young (EY).
He has been working as an independent practitioner since 2010.
He has been a Chartered Accountant registered in the Milan Bar since 1998 and a Registered Auditor since 1999.
Beatrice Bompieri
Co-Founder & Partner
Beatrice Bompieri developed her professional career in the fields of corporate consultancy, business crisis, and as a consultant to both debtors or creditors and as a body designated by the Court of Milan.
Interested in governance issues, she is, among other things, an Alumna of InTheBoardroom and holds positions as statutory auditor and auditor in joint stock companies and in listed companies.
She is a chartered accountant registered on the Milan Bar since 1997 and a statutory auditor since 1999.